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Jared Asser

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Graduate Student

Jared is a Doctoral Candidate who has worked on the music produced by the 1920s Ku Klux Klan and has transitioned into the history of emotion. While at the University of Georgia he is interested in using the conceptual tools of emotions history to re-interpret the Reconstruction period. Believing that emotions are both culturally conditioned and central to politics, his research focuses on moments of political crisis and how emotion influenced the outcome of those crises. At present his dissertation is framed around four inter-related crises spanning the period. This research interest includes the state-level problems that shaped the period, but also the quotidian issues influencing the lives of ordinary people. Originally focused on the states with the longest-lasting Reconstruction governments (Louisiana and South Carolina), he has recently expanded his focus to include Virginia and Georgia, in an effort to present a comprehensive regional picture.

Prior to arriving at UGA, he studied at Carleton University and Trent University (both in Canada). As a Canadian he apologizes in advance for constantly saying "sorry."

He has presented research at the University of London SOAS, Virginia Museum of History and Culture, University of British Columbia, University of Michigan, University of Mississippi, LSU, and Trent University. He was scheduled to present a sound studies paper at McGill University, but this event was cancelled due to Covid-19. He has reviewed books for Labour/Le Travail, Sound Studies (2), American Nineteenth Century History (2)Emotions: HCS (2), The West Tennessee Historical Society Papers, and H-Net (3). His first book chapter will be published mid-2025.

Jared passed his comprehensive exams (fields in Southern U.S. History, Cultural History, and Public History) on 5/18/23 and his dissertation prospectus on 12/7/23. At present he is writing his dissertation, and revising a chapter on Black political leadership in South Carolina for an edited collection.

His research is currently being supported by five external fellowships.

Research Interests:

As stated above, Jared works in several overlapping areas of study. During his M.A. his research combined an interest in the development of far-right politics (in 2020 he led a reading group on a related topic for H-Nationalism) and an interest in Sound Studies, producing his Masters thesis "Hearing the Invisible Empire: Music and Hatred in Progressive Era Indiana," one of the first studies of the music produced by the 1920s Ku Klux Klan. This work argued that music was fundamental to Klansmen's ability to appropriate and transform religious practises, using these to recruit new members and effect wider social/political change.

More recently, his dissertation research uses the tools of emotions history to re-interpret the Reconstruction period. Part of this research is an attempt to understand the role that emotion plays in several levels of the political process. It is his hope that this research will contribute to our collective understanding of politics and political polarization in the present.

But another aspect of this research contributes to his broader intellectual project. Building on the work of Michel Foucault, he is interested in understanding the deepest parts of an individual's being, the "esprit" as Foucault calls it, and to what extent institutions of power may (or may not) hold sway over these intimate spaces of emotions and self.

Selected Publications:

"Of Bells, Gramophones, and... Empire? Approaches to the Sonic Past," in Andrew Kettler and William Truett ed. Routledge History of the Senses (Routledge: June, 2025)


MA, Trent University, History, 2020

BA Honours, Carleton University, History & Music, 2016

Of note:



Southern Studies Doctoral Research Fellowship, University of North Carolina, 2024

Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellowship Massachusetts Historical Society, 2024

Mellon Research Fellowship, Virginia Museum of History and Culture - 2024

John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History Fellowship, University of Virginia - 2023

Governor Thomas Gordon McLeod and First Lady Elizabeth Alford McLeod Research Fellowship, South Caroliniana Library, USC - 2023

Stuart A. Rose Library Short-Term Research Fellowship, Emory University - 2023

Graduate Research Award, Wilson Center for Arts and Humanities, UGA - 2023

Louisiana State University Special Collections Research Grant - 2022


Teaching Awards


Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UGA Center for Teaching and Learning - 2023

Carl Vipperman Teaching Assistant Award, UGA History Department, 2021

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