Tuesday, April 17 2018, 12:30pm 101 LeConte This installment of the Department of History’s undergraduate lecture series features Dr. Cindy Hahamovitch. Professor Hahamovitch is the author of two books: The Fruits of Their Labor: Atlantic Coast Farmworkers and the Making of Migrant Poverty, 1870-1945 (1997) and the triple prize-winning No Man's Land: Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor (2011). She is currently working on two projects: a history of human trafficking in labor over the past two centuries and the history of Chambers v Florida, a 1933 murder trial involving four black defendants. She teaches the second half of the U.S. survey plus courses on immigration, food and power, the U.S. between 1945 and 1975, and labor history. This is an FYO event. Free admission, free pizza. The public is invited.