Tuesday, July 16 2019, 1pm 221 LeConte Hall In this workshop, Tom Okie will lead an interactive session on what environmental history is, the kinds of questions it raises, and how it expands the toolkit of the historian, with particular reference to the environmental history of the American South. Okie, who joined Kennesaw State University in 2013, currently teaches American history, food history and history education. Trained in environmental and agricultural history at the University of Georgia (PhD UGA 2012), he has produced work that has won prizes from the Society of American Historians, the Southern Historical Association and the Agricultural History Society. He is the author of The Georgia Peach: Culture, Agriculture, and Environment in the American South, for which he received the the Bell Award from the Georgia Historical Society, becoming one of two individuals recognized in 2018 for books published in 2016 and 2017. This event is free and open to the public. Tom Okie History Kennesaw State University