Our April spotlight features the work and excellence of our graduate students, who recently hosted the 2024 History Graduate Student Association Conference, "Old South, New South, No South". Sessions included "Utilizing Public History as a Tool for Community Building and Social Justice", "Indigeneity Across Space and Time, Violence and Resistance in Southern Memories", Segregation and Integration in the Jim Crow South", and "Communal, Political, and Religious Ties in the Antebellum South". Held at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education, the conference included faculty and graduate students form across the South. The keynote address was presented by Dr. Blair LM Kelley, Joel R. Williamson Distinguished Professor of Southern Studies at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and the incoming director of the Center for the Study of the American South. Kelley discussed her award winning book Black Folk: The Roots of the Black Working Class, named one of Smithsonian's Best Books of 2023.