If you are struggling with financial, emotional, or academic issues, start by contacting Student Care and Outreach (https://sco.uga.edu/). Staff will point you to the appropriate on-campus resources for all student struggles/concerns, including those related to health, finances, academics, and emotional support. For mental health emergencies, call Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) 24/7 crisis line: 706-542-2200 https://www.uhs.uga.edu/caps/services#crisisinter For non-emergency mental health support, call Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) for a free consultation (MF, 9-5): 706-542-2273 (a case manager will listen to your concerns and refer you to the most appropriate on- or off-campus help) https://www.uhs.uga.edu/bewelluga/bewelluga (includes wellness coaching for BIPOC grad students) https://www.uhs.uga.edu/caps/selfcare (points you to various mental health and self-care resources for students) https://www.uhs.uga.edu/caps/groups (includes a weekly meeting of the Graduate Student Support Group, as well as a support group for African-American female graduate students, and other groups) https://uhs.uga.edu/TAO (a library of free online self-help trainings for stress, anxiety, and depression) https://www.uhs.uga.edu/aod/fontaine (Fontaine Center offers counseling for substance use issues; sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; also has a program to pair students with faculty mentors) Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (https://www.uhs.uga.edu/rsvp/rsvp-intro) 24 Hour Hotline: 706-542-SAFE https://www.fcs.uga.edu/aspireclinic (financial counseling, marriage and family therapy, and more) https://ovpi.uga.edu/initiatives/connect/ (sets you up with a faculty mentor outside of your department) Accessibility and Testing https://accessibility.uga.edu/ (interview with A & T coordinator to identify on-campus services appropriate to your needs) LGBT Resource Center https://lgbtcenter.uga.edu/ (for faculty mentors, support groups, and volunteer opportunities Dispute Resolution, as well as cases of discrimination Go to https://eoo.uga.edu/ to report cases of discrimination and harassment https://eoo.uga.edu/UGA-Ombudspersons (for mediated dispute resolution) __________________ [1] This is not a complete list. If resources are missing, please notify the Graduate Coordinator