Tuesday, February 6 2024, 12:45pm 101 LeConte Hall This installment of the Department of History’s undergraduate lecture series features Dr. Scott Reynolds Nelson, who presents the question, "How did the murder of a Black activist end Reconstruction in North Carolina?" Professor Nelson writes about 19th-century history including the history of slavery, international finance, the history of science, and global commodities. His most recent book is Oceans of Grain: How American Wheat Remade the World about the US and the Russian Empires' competition to feed Europe between 1789 and 1919. It has been featured on the BBC, the CBC, NPR, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and New York Review of Books. Free Admission. Free history. Free pizza for lunch! All majors are welcome. Open to the public. ................................................................................... This episode of the Lunchtime Time Machine is a feature of our Black History Month calendar of events. Flier for Dr. Nelson's history talk. Tuesday February 6, 12:45 pm, 101 LeConte Hall (379.72 KB)